Pricing & Billing
We provide each customer with one of our primary laundry bags and one of our delicate item laundry bags. For high-volume weekly customers who use more than one bag, we can provide additional laundry bags.
For customers who choose to have their shirts hung instead of folded, our approach is slightly different. We provide one custom, reusable, hanging item bag. If you need more hanging item bags, we will add an additional $6.00 charge when we supply extras. If you prefer to have your shirts hung instead of folded, please try to remember to leave your reusable, hanging item bag (or bags) in or with your primary laundry bag when you leave your laundry for our drivers. We provide a maximum of 1 laundry bag, additional bags will result in a $6 charge per bag.
You can learn more about the features of our reusable, hanging item bag, The Green Garmento Deluxe Pouch Bag, here (Here being a link to
Per Item Pricing For Items Not Included In Per Pound Pricing
(Some additional large items may also be priced per item.)
Large Bedding Items
- Blanket: $13
- Comforter (Twin/Full): $18
- Comforter (Queen): $21
- Comforter (King): $26
- Comforter (a.k.a. Duvet) Cover: $22
- Bedspread: $25
- Mattress Cover: $22
- Pillow: $15
- Weighted Blanket $30
Per Item Pricing For Items Not Included In Per Pound Pricing
(Some additional large items may also be priced per item.)
Large Household Items
- One Tablecloth: $15
- One Machine Load of Tablecloths: $15
- One Bathmat: $12
- One Machine Load of Bathmats: $25
- Sleeping Bag: $30
- Rug/Carpet (Small): $22
- Rug/Carpet (Large): $35
- Pet Items: $20
(pet blankets, dog beds, etc.)
Pricing couldn’t be easier. Regular weekly customers charges as listed on the pricing page of our website and “by request” customers are charged as listed on the pricing page of our website. Dry cleaning and large bedding items are priced by the piece.
We bill your credit or debit card directly. We will email you a detailed invoice each time your card is billed. You can also receive invoice totals by text.
No. The cost of our service is the same. However, please note the answer to the question about whether or not we charge for bags. If you prefer to have your shirts hung instead of folded, please try to remember to leave your reusable, hanging item bag (or bags) in or with your primary laundry bag when you leave your laundry for our drivers. We provide one Green Garmento Deluxe Pouch Bag for hanging items. If you need more, we will add an additional $6.00 charge when we supply extras.
Yes. We provide free pick-up and delivery. But, we have a minimum order charge. Our minimum charge varies slightly by location, as listed on the pricing page of our website, here If the total dollar amount of your order is less than the minimum charge, the cost of service for that day will be the minimum charge.
None whatsoever. You can cancel or suspend your account at any time.
We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express cards.
Getting Started & Support Questions
Please review and be aware of the limits on liability in our general terms and conditions (a.k.a. terms of service), which can be viewed at the link on the bottom of our website. Generally speaking, we have always operated as a business that attempts to make things right when our team makes mistakes. We have developed extensive and redundant layers of processes and we are a professional laundry service with very high expectations and standards for our team members. Yet, we are also a team of human beings, and human beings are not perfect. We are all “only human,†as the expression goes. So, we have often owned up to and exceeded the limits of liability in our terms of service when someone on our team makes a mistake we cannot solve.
Effective July 28, 2022, there will be a new and absolute exception to this. We are explaining here what that is and why. The following does not apply to hotels and business customers sending in all linens, where weights and volumes can clearly confirm that we are returning what we received.
For residential customers, we will no longer pay to replace missing sheets, linens, and bedding items. These, when measured by weight, provide a gross revenue to us of potentially only $2.50 or maybe $5 before our sizable operating costs. Yet, among many affluent Bay Area customers, often turn out to be ultra expensive items with asserted replacement values in the multiple hundred of dollars. The replacement cost, however, is not the reason for this new policy.
Rather, we have over several years had some unfortunate and costly experiences when people have asserted that we lost expensive sheets, contrary to all our documentation to the contrary (and in a few cases these customers later realized they had not even sent us the sheets). It is hard to disprove a negative, as the expression goes, especially in the case of reports of missing linens.
In addition to our other processes for keeping items separate, we weigh both before and after, which helps us double check that everything received is being returned (I.E. nominal variance in before and after weights, explainable based on dirty or wet items in the before weight). [By the way, our invoicing is done based on the after, clean weight, if you are wondering.]. Notably, because most all bedding items weight less than a pound, it is hard when someone says they sent us something they may never have sent us for as to definitively confirm there was no discrepancy or error on our end.
Expanding on this, people often have numerous sheet sets that look alike (unlike clothing they recognize), and can’t be certain how many they sent us.
We have experienced situations where people’s’ housekeepers changed their bedding and sent in the laundry so the customer assumed we never returned the sheets, when the cause turned out to be an issue with the housekeeper not changing all the beds and not sending us as many sheets as the customer believed the housekeeper had sent in. These situations then placed us in the middle of uncertainty between the customer and their housekeeper. Most recently, we had a customer send in sheets from a neighbor and friend mixed in with their own laundry as a favor to the third party. And, they then assumed we had sent back another customer’s sheets, only to eventually connect the dots and realize we had returned what they had sent … but it just didn’t look familiar to them.
We have unfortunately also dealt with a customer who admitted she was having memory problems and wasn’t positive whether she had sent in a set of sheets, dropped it off at a drop off laundry service she had previously used before switching to us and the convenience of pickup and delivery, or not charged her sheets that week. Yet, we found ourselves still paying her because of what we just mentioned about the nominal weight of a set of sheets preventing us from definitively and empirically offsetting her own uncertainty.
In short, there is too much room for uncertainty on the part of members of a customer’s households on items that are not as obviously personal and recognizable as someone’s individualized clothing.
Also, one of the biggest values of our service is in the time saving value of sorting and folding, with items being returned generally organized and ready to put in drawers. For customers with home washers, a load of sheets or a single, light weight blanket that fits in a home washer is fairly easy to wash and fold.
We made this change after a great deal of reflection, but we hope the explanation and examples above help it make sense. To fulfill on the mission statement on the bottom of the home page of our website for the largest possible number of families and business owners in our community, we have determined we need to reduce this potential source of confusion and stress in the relationship between us and our customers with an absolute policy in this one regard. As noted in our terms of service, this and all the content of the FAQ section of our website is incorporated by reference into our terms and conditions (a.k.a. terms of service).
Yes. If a weekly customer refers a new customer who signs up for weekly service, we apply a $15 credit to the next invoice of the referring customer. We do ask new customers to tell us how they heard about us.
As often as you like. Some of our customers tweak their profile prior to every pickup because they have special instructions for us. Other customers set up their preferences when creating their account and then rarely change them.
You should receive a call within one business day from one of our Customer Satisfaction Team Members. They will answer any questions and help make sure that our team members (including our drivers) have all the details they need to be of service and meet your specific needs. If you don’t hear from someone on our team within that time, please use the contact us form on our website to let our business owners know.
On your first pick-up day, please remember to leave your laundry accessible for our drivers and separate into a separate bag any delicate items or items requiring special attention. Our drivers will leave a welcome card when they pick-up your laundry. When your laundry is returned, we will return it in one of our blue Marin Wash and Fold laundry bags, and include for future use a white mesh bag for delicate items. Every time your laundry is returned, you should also receive one of our thank you cards, which will remind you to feel free to let us know how we did.
Many of our business customers provide us with keys or gate codes to accommodate flexible pickup and delivery times.
For residential customers, we will not be able to provide service to customers who need to meet us to specifically handoff the pickup or delivery. Part of how we offer free pick-up and delivery is by being able to have flexibility in our pick-up and delivery time (instead of scheduling a precise time to meet someone). In limited circumstances for a recurring residential customer, we may make special arrangements. However, the cost for this will be $50 for the combined pickup and delivery. And, we will still need you to be available within the approximate time window. Also, if a customer in this situation asks us to meet them personally and someone else at their place of work takes receipt of the delivery, this is the equivalent of constructive receipt and will be considered the same as meeting you personally.
Please log in and let us know you will be away by 7:00 a.m. on your pick-up day. We understand that many people in our area do travel periodically during the course of each year. You will still be considered a weekly customer and receive the price for weekly customers when you return.
The Welcome Kit consists of one blue laundry bag, one green dry cleaning bag (if applicable) and one white mesh “special attention” bag and a welcome card.
Sometimes the answer to a question or a resolution of an unanswered question may involve getting an answer from someone who works on a different shift (such as an evening or overnight shift) or has a day off and is not available. In this type of case, it may take time to get a question answered and respond to you. Our software tracks all open questions in detail so multiple people can track what was requested, what has occurred, or what needs to be resolved to leave the customer feeling satisfied. The minute a member of our customer satisfaction team speaks with you, receives your voicemail, or receives your email, the information is categorized, and available for the appropriate people to review on the next time they come in to work. Our customer satisfaction team members review updates to the internal messages each business day (and for several hours each weekend day too) so they can respond to a customer by phone.
Pickup & Delivery
We do offer this service. Please call us at (415-858-9274) for prompt customer service for your needs.
We are including here the content of our standard new customer welcome email, because we know sometimes emails do end up in junk mail folders or may not be noticed by busy people between when they schedule and the day and time of their first pickup (or occasionally, emails do get lost in cyberspace, as emails occasionally do).
The content below references a standard residential customer.
For business customers, the preparation is the same, but our driving team members will typically come into your receptions area or follow whatever specific guidance you enter in your pickup and delivery preferences.
For hotel guests, please leave your laundry with the front desk by 8:00 a.m. for them to secure for our team, and expect that it will be returned to the front desk. (Hotel guests, please note that our new customer promotions are always for local residents who we hope will become long term customers once they experience our service. If we are picking up from a hotel and a coupon code has been entered, the credit will be removed before invoicing unless we know you will be in town for an extended stay.)
Subject: Welcome To Marin Wash and Fold – What To Expect On The Day of Your First Pickup
Thank you for scheduling your first pick up with Marin Wash and Fold Laundry Service. This short email will help orient you to what to expect on the day of your first pick-up. If you have any additional questions, please contact us by replying to this email or by calling us at (415) 858-9274, and pressing extension two. Please also don’t forget to review the FAQs on our website, which also answer a lot of questions.
Please leave your clothing out front, or in the location you specified in your pickup and delivery instructions, in a closed or sealed bag, such as a large plastic garbage bag, by 900 a.m. This allows our driving team members to place the entire bag or bags within our bags. Your clothing will be returned in our bags, which you will have for future use. Our driver will leave you a welcome card when he or she gets your laundry the first time.
If you are set up for email or text alerts in your profile, you will receive notifications with an estimated time of arrival, letting you know when your clothes have been picked up, and on your return day you will receive notifications with both another estimated time of arrival and letting you know when your clothes have been returned. If you have hanging clothes returned in one of our eco hanging bags instead of plastic, please try to remember to send that bag back with your dirty clothes for future use. You can simply leave it on top of or alongside our primary laundry duffel bags.
You will notice that we return clothing in plastic bags within our duffel bags. This helps us separate clothing by family member (to the best of our ability to do so) and keep folded clothing neat during transportation. Unfortunately, it is also a a major source of wasted plastic and not good for our environment. If you would like to help minimize plastic waste, please place the several plastic bags within one plastic bag within your duffel bag when you send us your dirty laundry. We will maintain those as your plastic bags and reuse them with your personal clothing only. We will periodically discard them and provide new ones if they either develop a scent or become excessively wrinkled. But, this is better for our environment than replacing them every week or with every service. If you prefer to have fresh plastic bags with every service, then simply keep the plastic bags.
If you select to have certain clothing returned hanging rather than folded in your customer preferences, please return your hangers to us with your dirty Laundry for reuse. We know that over time the hangers we send back eventually end up discarded. So, asking our customers to periodically send them back rather than discarding them is also another way of reducing waste and helping our environment.
We look forward to being of service. If anything ever does not live up to your expectations, please let us know right away so we can make it right.
The Marin Wash and Fold Team
You can track the progress of your order from within the Springboard software platform by logging into the system from our website.
Also, when you sign up for service, you will have the option to set notification preferences that can include email, text message, or both. You can update these preferences at any time. If you select one of these options (unless there is a technical problem that day) you should receive alerts notifying you of an estimated pick-up time. If there is a delay due to traffic, or for other reasons, our drivers will try to update you by sending revised alerts.
Please be alert for phone calls from one of our drivers or one of our Customer Satisfaction Team Members. They may try to reach you by phone on your pick-up or drop-off day.
Yes. We do not charge for pick-up and delivery. But, we do charge a $17.00 missed pick-up fee. Please remember to leave your laundry in the place where you specify in your profile that it will be left.
If you are going to be traveling or on vacation or want to cancel your pickup for another reason, please log in or call and cancel for the day by 8:00 a.m. We request that you cancel by this time, because knowing who has cancelled affects how we schedule and plan our day. If we have incurred the cost of our driver going to your home before you let us know you wish to cancel or reschedule, it seems fair that we cover the cost of the visit.
However rare this is, it can happen. If there is a severe storm, we will return your laundry to you as soon as we consider it safe for our drivers to do so. We will keep you updated on any changes via phone, email and/or text.
In many cases, our customers provide us with access to a covered or partially enclosed area that is secure from the elements. That specific location is detailed in the customer’s preferences so our drivers know where to go, and how to access it.
If this solution is not available at your home, and nobody is home when our driver arrives, we will take extra precautions. When the weather is bad, we will double bag your laundry to make sure it is protected from the elements. (i.e. Our laundry bag will be surrounded by a large plastic bag.)
⦠We always do our best to protect your laundry. However, we cannot be responsible for laundry that is lost, stolen, or damaged by the weather after it had been dropped off at your home. Please review the terms of service section of our website for more details.
No problem. Just leave the laundry somewhere we can access it and then log into your account and edit your Pick-up/Delivery Instructions. Many customers have us leave their laundry at their back door or in a foyer if they are not home. Whenever possible, please select a drop-off site that’s protected from the elements.
That depends on your neighborhood.
We make every effort to build our routes so you will have roughly consistent and convenient pick-up and drop-off times. Generally, pick-ups and drop-offs happen concurrently (i.e. both in the morning in some areas and both in the afternoon in some areas).
For residential customers,
we currently commit to a return date that is on our next route day (i.e. in Marin, Monday, Wednesday, or Friday). If we can return it the next business day, you may receive it faster.
For business customers,
we may make special arrangements depending on your specific needs and volumes, which is likely to include return on the next business day. In some cases, this may include Saturdays, if possible and if that is a necessary for your business.
For on-demand customers,
We would appreciate it if you could schedule your pick-up by no later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of your requested pick-up. This allows enough time for our drivers to plan their routes for the day. And, it helps us provide all our customers with more consistent pick-up and drop-off times. However, you may be able to schedule an on-demand pick-up as late as 8:45 a.m.
Cleaning Processes
No. At this time we do not. Please use the contact us form here (link) to let us know if you would like us to let you know if this changes.
We separate delicate clothing (based on regular customers placing delicates in mesh bags and also by our own search). Some delicate clothing is hard to identify. So, to help us serve you, please place items you consider delicate in a separate smaller bag within your bags and mark as delicate.
We do not separate whites and colors unless a customer specifically makes this request. If you have items that might not be color-safe, please select cold water wash in your preferences. Or, if you send a non-color fast item occasionally, place it in a separate bag and leave a note saying wash in cold water. To illustrate this point, most all blue jeans are safe for warm water washing, but some high-end brands of blue jeans will loose their color on anything other than cold water.
We can serve some, but not all, customers with special sensitivities. This depends on the extent of the sensitivity. One of the members of the family that started Marin Wash and Fold has chemical sensitivities. So, we understand this need personally.
We have several scent free detergent options. Some customers provide a detergent that they know works for them and we keep it with their name on it.
For customers who note in their preferences that they have extreme sensitivities, we take the extra step of re-cleaning soap trays and running washers empty with hot water for five minutes before loading your clothing into washers. Upon request, we can add baking soda and/or vinegar with your choice of scent free detergent to washers and wipe down dryers with vinegar before loading clothing.
However, we do not have dedicated machines reserved solely for scent free detergents. People with extreme sensitivities may not be able to use our service. We have found that, of the people who have discussed this heightened level of need with us before using our service, we have been able to provide recurring service to about 75%. But, our best efforts have been insufficient to meet the needs of the other 25%. We initially began taking these steps without extra charge just as part of the attention to detail we provide with our service.
However, the time in labor and lost revenue from being able to wash other laundry while these procedures are being managed has become significant. Therefore, we now add a $25 special service cost to the invoice of customers who require these procedures.
In the future as we grow, we may one day in the future have machines dedicated solely to scent free detergents. In the meantime, if you are extremely sensitive to scents or fragrances, you should continue to do your own laundry at home.
We separate delicate clothing (based on regular customers placing delicates in mesh bags and also by our own search). Some delicate clothing is hard to identify. So, to help us serve you, please place items you consider delicate in a separate smaller bag within your bags and mark as delicate. This will help prevent potential problems.
We do not separate whites and colors unless a customer specifically makes this request. If you have items that might not be color-safe, please select cold water wash in your preferences. Or, if you send a non-color fast item occasionally, place it in a separate bag and leave a note saying wash in cold water. To illustrate this point, most all blue jeans are safe for warm water washing, but some high-end brands of blue jeans will loose their color on anything other than cold water.
We do our best to provide high levels of attention to detail and we want customers to feel they can let us handle all the pre-sorting But, some things (like the example of some brands of blue jeans) are not obvious or apparent. If you voluntarily help by separating and noting what items you consider delicate or that you know from experience require cold water washing, we can work together to help keep you a happy customer.
Service Area
Please fill in your name and email when prompted. And, please also tell friends and neighbors about us. We will expand our routes as quickly as we receive sufficient interest.
Please take the time to let us know you are interested … you may be the last additional person in your area to tell us, and you may receive an email or call from us faster than you anticipate!
including the following zip codes:
- 94924
- 94929
- 94933
- 94937
- 94938
- 94940
- 94950
- 94956
- 94970
- 94971